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Daily Archives: December 1st, 2010

Writ on this Date, the First of December, in the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Ten:

Ex nihilo nihil fit — From nothing, nothing comes.

Geometry is the science of position and extension. A point has only position, but extension can extend to 3 dimensions, and possibly even more. With that said, let me also stress to you to view your life as the most important geometry. See your current position, and see that by itself, the position is stagnant. Then see, with enlightened eyes, exactly where you can extend, and where you need to extend. Be a Master of Yourself. Be the scientist of your life, for we are all our own walking, breathing science experiments.

In geometry, it has been proven that given 3 of the 6 parts of a triangle, the triangle can be constructed, provided that 1 of the given parts is a side. The rest can be inferred and determined algebraically. See now that the whole puzzle doesn’t need to be complete. Not all pieces need to fall into place for you to know where your going or what logical steps are left for you to take. In other words, you don’t necessarily have to go looking for opportunity, or for an open door to put your foot in; rather, one must CREATE his or her own opportunities. One must OPEN the door themselves.

In all things, I remember that no matter what happens to me–regardless of what flatteries or abuses I receive, what obstacles appear in my midst, what trouble arrears for my family and I, what praise and/or compliments, or insults or accusations are handed over to me during my hapless, dangerous trek through the wilderness of life, I shall remain concretely and unchanging as two things:

1) Humble and
2) Resolute

These two virtues, perhaps more than any other, will take me where I need to go–that is, where God wants me, and where I want me–for they are both one and the same.

Humility is the human quality of perceiving one’s own estimate of importance or rank as modest, or low. That is not to say that I doubt my own talents, skills and/or gifts. It simply means that I take on an air of a proper Christian grace, pleasing to God. It is with humility that I know that what I want for my family and I is also what God wants for my family and I. It preserves the soul in tranquility, thereby making a strong faith possible. As such, I devote all of the faith that I possess in God, as well as in my modesty and resolve.

To be resolute is to be firmly determined, and set in purpose. In this case, the purpose is to see my way through all trials and tribulations to get to where my family needs me and where God has called me. It may sound contradictory in terms to a humble nature, but for me, it is actually the next logical step. Because humility guarantees faith, my being resolute will allow me to direct my faith as well as direct my steps. Additionally, I will be able to relish my faith, and receive from it much joy, for the hope for greater and greater things will keep my eyes ever heavenward towards the Absolute Almighty. With such sights I have set for myself, with such beauty and peace that only a spirituality and a certain mysticism could express, how could I possibly grieve then, or ever feel sorry for myself?

I can’t.

Bible verses that touch on humility: Romans 12:3; 15:17,18; 1 Corinthians 3:5-7; 1 Peter 3:4; Psalm 69:32,33; Job 1:22; Phillipians 2:6-8; Proverbs 16:18; Psalm 147:6; Isaiah 57:15; 66:2…

There are definitely more, but I never said I was a biblical scholar…actually, maybe I have, but if so, I renounce it.

Either way, an observation that deserves much contemplation is that the great paradox of Christianity is that it makes humility the avenue to Glory.

There are those who believe that if a paradox exists then that means that a fallacy has been made, and/or some sort of mistake has been committed. They say that whatever conditions that allow for a paradox cannot be based in reality, since logic-based self-contradictions cannot scientifically be measured or quantified and therefore, simply do not exist. That is where a resolute faith comes in. Putting all your hope and faith in God will further ensure your humble spirit, and actually strengthen it, and thus, God will see your prudent service and reward you in accordance with His will and with the vision and purpose He Himself has sewn into the very flesh and beating of your heart. He did this already, before you were even born.

Lastly, the question must be considered: Is not prayer also a study of truth? Whether you are making a request to God, an intercession, asking forgiveness, or whatever, we must note that through prayer, the truth, though we may be unable to express it in words, will be put into our spirit and in our Mind’s Eye, and it will grow more and more, until it is all we see.

After all, it is not the walls that make a city, but the people living and dying, thriving and surviving inside that do.

There is no alleviation for the sufferings of Mankind except for a resolute spirit.

Thank you all for your time and attention.

Respectfully Submitted,

Blepedaimones Lothario