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Monthly Archives: January 2011

January 25th post

Writ on this Date, a Sunday, the Ninth of January, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eleven:

Please, at your convenience, follow the link above to see the books I have available at the storefront. On the seventh of this month, I published my second book, The Charlatan Farce, and I must say I am really glad to be done with it. Proud of whatever meager thing I may have accomplished, and yet glad that it is over nonetheless.

This year has already been a roller coaster ride and we are not even two weeks in. I’ve been given new eyes, it seems, bestowed upon me by the goodness of God Himself, and I am determined to use these new eyes to renewed, better and higher, more honorable purposes. One thing these new eyes have shown me already is the very reason in which I wrote The Charlatan Farce.

Before, all I knew was that I loved to write. Why? Because God literally told me to, “Write.” I knew I was meant for a purpose in the creative arts, but not exactly how to go about completing this purpose or enduring its many obstacles and stumbling blocks that were sure to prevent themselves in my creative excursions. So I prayed about it. I prayed hard about it. God just told me to write. He told me to be art. Be, in Gandhi’s words, the change I wanted to see in the world. I didn’t know what change I wanted to see, so I did as God commanded and just wrote.

This was over a year ago, when I finished my first book, The Basket Case, and only now do I realize, or has God allowed me to realize, the deeper meanings as to why I was to write. I had an Awakening at the beginning of this month, where I absorbed, as if for the very first time, the true weight of the Glory and the Love of God, and with this renewed perception, I noticed all these things in my past, and all these memories and all these situations, and circumstances and conditions that all hinted towards the reasons for my living, and my seeking after God. It’s like I was looking at all these past hints and just now realizing that they were all about the very same thing, and that thing was discovered in one life changing and defining moment.

The reasons why I wrote were so that God could talk to me. God reaches us all in many different manners, either through someone else, like a pastor, or rather through what one reads, or through just a simple errand run, or through the radio or on and on and on. God has spoken to me briefly in all these manners, but He knew, even before I did, that I often get in my own way of hearing Him fully. I know that I get in my own way now, but the way He showed me that, was to speak to me, through myself, more specifically through my writing. Before I published The Charlatan Farce, I was reading through it, giving it it’s final touches and editing it, as a good author should do, and I was struck by what I read, AS IF I DIDN’T WRITE IT. And now I’m convinced that I didn’t write a lot of it. I was just the conduit through which God was able to reach me.

In the contents of The Charlatan Farce, I touched on many concepts like faith, and love, and purpose, and drive, and forgiveness, and all of these things were the very things that I needed to hear. Granted, not all of it is a miraculous work, and the parts that fall short are surely where I was doing my best (which ain’t a best by any means) at attempted a beauty with words; but there are many parts in the book where I’m convinced God was driving the writing. It was so strange, like it was a message for me and for me alone, and how so many parts of this message were foreshadowed by many events in my life over the past year, that I was just too ignorant at the time to understand. Now I have a deeper understanding of everything, and how everything is a puzzle piece falling into place to perfect God’s Grand Design.

Now, I am at a point where I understand The Grand Commission, where Jesus ordered His Disciples to go out, venture forth, and spread the good news, The Gospel Message. That is where I believe I am at right now. So with that said, I urge you please, to sample my book. Find it on Lulu and read the preview. Before, I wrote because it was and still is what I love to do, and because I thought I could perform fairly well in putting words together in a beautiful poetic form. Now, I see a higher significance to all of this, and as you read, I pray you do to. See what’s inside this work that God put there specifically for you. See if God is calling you to the Grand Commission as well. See if God is fleshing out His purpose for your life, and see if you can see the puzzle pieces beginning to fall into place, nice and neat, without our even doing it. Oh, we might think it’s us doing it, but it’s not us, rather, it is God through us. See in the contents of my work the truth-values that are biblical, timeless, unchanging, and permanent. See also where the illusion is, so that you might be able to do away with it, and who knows? Create a work that is even more perfected to speak towards His higher calling for us all. See where I lack and improve it. See where I shine and live it, so that that light might shine for others to see.

Regardless, with the New Year come, and New Eyes to see, I consider you all my brothers and sisters in life, all of whom, myself included, are destined to do away with what is mirage, so that we may finally see the true horizon, the eternal inheritance of which we all are promised to, and which we cannot in our fleshy vessels fathom.

These are just a smidgen of the revelations that God has given me, but words can only do so much. You actually have to experience God’s Love to truly embrace it. It was the words that got me to the door, but it was God’s awakening my faith that got me to open it. I pray that through my words, and through all the puzzle pieces that abound around you, got leads you to that invitation of Love of which we all are invited, but some never realize because we get in our own way.

Therefore, get out of the way of your way, and then the path will be plain before your very feet. Thank you for enduring these pretentious, self-absorbed words. Know that they are imperfect. They can only go so far. These words are only an invitation. Go past them. Go past yourself. Rid yourself of ego, and experience what love truly is.

For Him, by Him, and in Him, I am:

Blepedaimones Lothario
Striving only to be a good and loyal servant of the Absolute Almighty